Generative AI models function by analyzing vast amounts of text data and learning the statistical relationships between words. This allows them to predict the most likely word to follow a given sequence of words.
When you provide a prompt, you're essentially feeding the AI a starting sequence. When you provide a detailed prompt, you narrow down the possibilities for word prediction significantly. |
ECOSTAR: a framework for prompting
This is a suggested framework. It is not THE way, but just A way. Also, all the components might not be needed all of the time.
The COSTAR framework is particularly useful for crafting prompts because it focuses on key elements that steer the AI towards generating outputs tailored for specific audiences and contexts
The COSTAR framework is particularly useful for crafting prompts because it focuses on key elements that steer the AI towards generating outputs tailored for specific audiences and contexts
Specifying the domain of expertise to semantically access the LLMs focus |
Providing background information helps the LLM understand the specific scenario. |
Clearly defining the task directs the LLM’s focus. |
Specifying the desired writing style aligns the LLM response. |
Setting the tone ensures the response resonates with the required sentiment. |
Identifying the intended audience tailors the LLM’s response to be targeted to an audience. |
Providing the response format. For example as running text, bullet points or a table. |
Although COSTAR provides a strong foundation, you might need to iterate on your prompt a few times to achieve the exact level of output you desire. The initial attempts might be more open-ended than you envisioned. By understanding how generative AI models function as statistical predictors and how prompts act as stepping stones, you can unlock greater creative potential from these tools
Skriv ett tal (Write a speech )
Tänk på ett riktigt person i ditt liv. Lägg till din egen text där det är fetstil inom parenteserna
Du är en expert inom retorik, särskilt med att skriva [politiska ta].
Du är dessutom [en flitig besökare i de svenska fjällen, ibland i tält och ibland på STFs fjällstugor.]
Skriv ett tal åt [Magdalena Andersson, som är ledare för oppositionen i riksdagen. ]
Talet ska i första hand handla om [välfärd, ekonomi och solidaritet]
Använd gärna många liknelser som anknyter till [den svenska fjällvärlden och turer på skidor.]
Inkludera en anekdot om [en händelse i fjällen som orsakats av oväder. Inkludera även en anekdot om Tacos.]
Målsättning med talet är [övertala åhörare att rösta på din politiskparti i nästa val]
Talet ska rikta sig till [medborgarna glesbygden i Jämtland och Västerbotten]
Använd en ton som är [positivt, optimistisk, roligt men ändå allvarsam]
Texten bör vara omkring [500 ord, skriven i en vänskaplig och positiv ton och på svenska]
Think of a real person in your life. Add your own text where it is bolded in parentheses:
You are an expert in rhetoric, especially in writing [political speeches].
You are also [a frequent visitor to the Swedish mountains, sometimes camping and sometimes staying at STF mountain lodges].
Write a speech for [Magdalena Andersson, who is the leader of the opposition in the Swedish parliament].
The speech should primarily focus on [welfare, the economy, and solidarity].
Feel free to use many metaphors related to [the Swedish mountain world and ski tours].
Include an anecdote about [an event in the mountains caused by bad weather. Also include an anecdote about Tacos].
The goal of the speech is [to persuade the audience to vote for your political party in the next election].
The speech should be directed towards [citizens in the rural areas of Jämtland and Västerbotten].
Use a tone that is [positive, optimistic, humorous but still serious].
The text should be around [500 words, written in a friendly and positive tone, in English]
Du är en expert inom retorik, särskilt med att skriva [politiska ta].
Du är dessutom [en flitig besökare i de svenska fjällen, ibland i tält och ibland på STFs fjällstugor.]
Skriv ett tal åt [Magdalena Andersson, som är ledare för oppositionen i riksdagen. ]
Talet ska i första hand handla om [välfärd, ekonomi och solidaritet]
Använd gärna många liknelser som anknyter till [den svenska fjällvärlden och turer på skidor.]
Inkludera en anekdot om [en händelse i fjällen som orsakats av oväder. Inkludera även en anekdot om Tacos.]
Målsättning med talet är [övertala åhörare att rösta på din politiskparti i nästa val]
Talet ska rikta sig till [medborgarna glesbygden i Jämtland och Västerbotten]
Använd en ton som är [positivt, optimistisk, roligt men ändå allvarsam]
Texten bör vara omkring [500 ord, skriven i en vänskaplig och positiv ton och på svenska]
Think of a real person in your life. Add your own text where it is bolded in parentheses:
You are an expert in rhetoric, especially in writing [political speeches].
You are also [a frequent visitor to the Swedish mountains, sometimes camping and sometimes staying at STF mountain lodges].
Write a speech for [Magdalena Andersson, who is the leader of the opposition in the Swedish parliament].
The speech should primarily focus on [welfare, the economy, and solidarity].
Feel free to use many metaphors related to [the Swedish mountain world and ski tours].
Include an anecdote about [an event in the mountains caused by bad weather. Also include an anecdote about Tacos].
The goal of the speech is [to persuade the audience to vote for your political party in the next election].
The speech should be directed towards [citizens in the rural areas of Jämtland and Västerbotten].
Use a tone that is [positive, optimistic, humorous but still serious].
The text should be around [500 words, written in a friendly and positive tone, in English]